Welcome to Au Pair Conecta

We can unfortunately no longer accept further applications at the moment. You can find a list of Au Pair agencies in Spain at www.agenciasaupairaepa.es who will be happy to help you.

Au Pair in Spain


Feria de Sevilla
Just right after Semana Santa (which we hope you enjoyed it!), the Feria de Abril of Sevilla is about to start. This year, it will be celebrated from Sunday 5th to 11th of May. We encourage you to go...
Nos está esperando una semana muy importante en España, especialmente en la ciudad de Sevilla: la Semana Santa. Este año la Semana Santa comenzará el 7 de abril y...


Julia tells us her experience as Summer Au Pair in Córdoba
Hi! I'm Julia and I'm a Summer Au Pair. I am absolutely happy with my experience as an Au Pair, it has been an amazing experience. I cannot believe it's already over, time has gone by so fast! I have never had a more fantastic and incredible experience, that's for sure. It has been a great opportunity for me to learn about another culture, other customs and traditions and, of course, another...

  Protect yourself! We are a legally registered agency. Why you should use a legally registered agency